V LIVE Review Highlight: SJ Returns 2 (슈주 리턴즈2) E.L.F's Table EP 1 - 16

Saturday, November 24, 2018

SJ Returns 2: E.L.F's Table
Super Junior kembali lagi dengan reality show-nya yang berjudul SJ Returns. Memasuki season 2, reality show ini dikemas dengan tema yang berbeda dengan season sebelumnya. 

SJ Returns 2: E.L.F's Table berfokus pada siaran tur makan Super Junior untuk E.L.F. Everlasting Friends atau E.L.F adalah official fanclub Super Junior.

Di season 2 ini, Super Junior akan mengeksplor, mereview, dan merekomendasikan tempat makan terbaik di sekitar gedung konser Super Junior D&E beserta menu pilihan mereka. Bertujuan untuk memudahkan para fans yang menonton konser Super Junior D&E menikmati makanan yang enak di dekat venue konser, proyek E.L.F's Table adalah bentuk kepedulian dan rasa terima kasih Super Junior kepada penggemarnya.

SJ Returns 2: E.L.F's Table ditayangkan di Naver TV dan V Live (kanal V Original dan kanal SJ Returns) setiap Senin dan Kamis pukul 11 pagi KST.

Super Junior is back again with their reality show entitled SJ Returns. Entering season 2, this reality show is packed with a theme that is different from the previous season.

SJ Returns 2: E.L.F's Table focuses on Super Junior's relay eating tour for E.L.F. Everlasting Friends or E.L.F is Super Junior's official fanclub.

In season 2, Super Junior will explore, review, and recommend the best places to eat around the Super Junior D & E concert hall along with their chosen menu. Aiming to make it easier for fans who watch Super Junior D & E concerts to enjoy good food near the concert venue, the E.L.F's Table project is a form of care and gratitude for Super Junior's fans.

SJ Returns 2: E.L.F's Table is aired on Naver TV and V Live (V Original channel and SJ Returns channel) every Monday and Thursday at 11 am KST.


Episode pertama dimulai dengan interview Super Junior D&E yang sedang melakukan tur di Jepang. Mereka kini berada di Tokyo, kota ketiga yang mereka kunjungi setelah Yokohama dan Kobe. Jadwal yang padat membuat Donghae dan Eunhyuk sulit melakukan hal lainnya selama tur, apalagi untuk makan di tempat yang bagus. Bahkan di satu klip terlihat Donghae tengah makan setelah konser tapi makanannya sudah terlalu dingin.

Dukungan para fans membuat Super Junior D&E bersemangat. Di waktu yang sama, Donghae & Eunhyuk mengkhawatirkan apakah penggemar mereka sudah makan atau belum. Eunhyuk selalu menanyakan hal itu kepada para fansnya. Kebanyakan dari mereka menjawab belum makan. Itu karena mereka harus mengantri di lokasi konser dari pagi-pagi sekali. Jadi, Donghae & Eunhyuk ingin menunjukkan kepada E.L.F tempat-tempat yang patut dikunjungi di Jepang, termasuk tempat makan enak di dekat Tokyo International Forum, lokasi konser mereka di Tokyo.

The first episode began with an interview with Super Junior D & E on a tour in Japan. They are now in Tokyo, the third city they visited after Yokohama and Kobe. The tight schedule made it difficult for Donghae and Eunhyuk to do anything else during the tour, including to have meal in a good place. Even in one clip, Donghae was eating alone after the concert but the food was too cold.

The fans' support made Super Junior D & E energized. At the same time, Donghae & Eunhyuk were worried about whether their fans had eaten or not. Eunhyuk always asks that to their fans. Most of them said they had not eaten yet. That's because they have to waiting in line at the concert venue from early in the morning. So, Donghae & Eunhyuk want to show E.L.F places that are worth a visit in Japan, including places to eat near Tokyo International Forum, the location of their concert in Tokyo.

H-1, Leeteuk si MC profesional dan Shimkung menyapa para penonton. Untuk mendukung Super Junior D&E yang tengah tur di Jepang, besok Leeteuk akan menjelajahi tempat-tempat makan yang bagus di sekitar gedung konser. Leeteuk cukup percaya diri. Ia yakin mampu mengetahui bahan-bahan suatu masakan saat mencicipinya.

Keesokan harinya, Leeteuk berangkat menuju bandara Haneda untuk bertemu Donghae & Eunhyuk di Tokyo. Heechul dan Shindong sudah lebih dulu pergi ke Jepang saat Chuseok.

H-1, Leeteuk the professional MC and Shimkung greets the audience. To support Super Junior D & E who is on tour in Japan, tomorrow Leeteuk will explore good eating places around the concert hall. Leeteuk is quite confident. He is sure to be able to know the ingredients of a dish when tasting it.

The next day, Leeteuk left for Haneda airport to meet Donghae & Eunhyuk in Tokyo. Heechul and Shindong had already gone to Japan during Chuseok.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/97067?channelCode=ED523B


Pukul 12 siang di Marunouchi, Tokyo. Leeteuk tiba di lokasi, sementara Heechul dan Shindong belum terlihat. Leeteuk tidak mengaktifkan layanan roaming di telepon genggamnya, makanya dia tidak bisa menelpon mereka. Untungnya, telepon genggam Leeteuk bisa terhubung dengan Wifi di sana. 

Saat Shindong datang, Leeteuk memberitahunya bahwa mereka sekarang berada di belakang gedung konser. Dari sana terlihat antrian fans yang akan memasuki gedung konser. Menurut mereka, sekarang orang tidak perlu pergi jauh-jauh. Ada banyak tempat unik di setiap distrik di Jepang, juga makanan lokal yang unik.

At 12 noon in Marunouchi, Tokyo. Leeteuk arrived at the location, while Heechul and Shindong were not yet seen. Leeteuk doesn't activate roaming services on his smartphone, so he can't call them. Fortunately, Leeteuk's smartphone can connect to Wifi there.

When Shindong arrived, Leeteuk told him that they were now behind the concert hall. From there you can see the queue of fans entering the concert hall. According to them, now people don't have to go far. There are many unique places in each district in Japan, also unique local food.

Seperti halnya gedung konser Tokyo International Forum, jika kita keluar dari gedung itu dan berjalan sebentar, ada pusat kota dengan gedung-gedung perbelanjaan yang besar dan tempat-tempat makan di setiap sudut. Selain itu, banyak tempat makan yang enak di sekitar gedung konser.

Same with the Tokyo International Forum, if we went to outside of the building and walk for a while, there is a downtown with large shopping malls and eating places at every corner. In addition, there are numeorous of good eating places near the concert hall.

Shindong sudah 5 hari berada di Jepang bersama teman-temannya. Di cuplikan Shindong's Tokyo, ia menyantap sushi di Nakano Broadway dan hibernasi di mobil setelahnya. Malam hari di hotel, Shindong berpesta dengan makanan dan minuman dari mini market Tokyo.

Shindong has been in Japan for 5 days with his friends. In Shindong's Tokyo footage, he ate sushi at Nakano Broadway and hibernated in the car afterwards. At night at the hotel, Shindong partyed with food and drinks from the convenient store.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/97071?channelCode=ED523B


Leeteuk dan Shindong mengobrol tentang kebiasaan makan mereka. Leeteuk mengakui dirinya termasuk pemilih makanan. Ia tidak bisa makan banyak dan tidak bisa makan makanan berbumbu rempah-rempah. Sedangkan Shindong yang sering disebut sebagai pencinta makanan, sebenarnya biasa saja dengan makanan. Hanya saja karena ia tidak pemilih dan bisa memakan makanan apa pun, orang-orang menganggap ia begitu.

Heechul akhirnya sampai di lokasi. Ia mengenakan setelan training biru muda dan topi merah Arale, sepertinya juga tidak memakai riasan sama sekali. Shindong dan Leeteuk menggoda Heechul apalagi sebelumnya ia juga datang ke konser Super Junior D&E dengan kostum Doraemon.

Leeteuk and Shindong chat about their eating habits. Leeteuk acknowledged himself as a picky eater. He has small appetite and could not eat food with condiment herbs. While Shindong, often referred to as a lover of food, is actually not so into food. It's just that because he is not picky and can eat any food, people think he is a food lover.

Heechul finally arrived at the location. He wore a light blue training suit and Arale's red hat, apparently also not wearing makeup at all. Shindong and Leeteuk teased Heechul. Previously, he also came to Super Junior D & E concert in Doraemon costume.

Heechul bilang dia tahu banyak tempat makan bagus di sana. Orang-orang berpikir ia hanya menyukai ramen padahal sebenarnya tidak.

Hari itu mereka akan meminta Donghae & Eunhyuk memilih makanan terbaik dari makanan-makanan yang mereka bertiga rekomendasikan. Bakal ada hadiah berupa uang tunai sebesar 10000 Yen untuk pemenang. Juga, hukuman untuk yang kalah, yang akan mereka tentukan sendiri. Jadi, mereka berjalan menuju restoran pertama, melewati jalan Ginza. Di mana mereka bertemu miniatur Godzilla yang posisi tangannya mirip Yesung ketika sedang menyanyi.

Heechul said he knew many good eating places there. People think he only likes ramen but the actual isn't. 

That day they will ask Donghae & Eunhyuk to choose the best dish from the menus the three of them recommend. There will be a prize of 10000 Yen in cash for the winner. Also, penalties for losers, which they will determine themselves. So, they walked to the first restaurant, passed the Ginza street. Where they met a Godzilla miniature who positioned his hand like Yesung while singing.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/97073?channelCode=ED523B


Restoran pertama adalah restoran pork cutlet pilihan Heechul. Restoran ini terletak di Hibiya, dekat stasiun Yurakucho, di seberang gedung konser Super Junior D&E. Walaupun saat berjalan ke restoran ini, Leeteuk, Shindong, dan Heechul melewati subway, stasiun kereta, dan lokasi konstruksi; bagian dalam restoran ini cukup mewah dengan dapur terbuka yang bersih.

The first restaurant is Heechul's choice. This pork cutlet restaurant is located in Hibiya, near Yurakucho Station, in front of the Super Junior D & E concert hall. Although when walking to this restaurant, Leeteuk, Shindong, and Heechul pass through the subway, train station and construction site; the inside of this restaurant is quite luxurious with a clean open kitchen.

Heechul memesan 3 menu pilihannya, yaitu: pork cutlet yang dimasak dengan suhu rendah, tumis pork goreng, dan mie dingin Jepang.

Heechul ordered his 3 chosen menus: pork cutlets cooked in low temperature, stir fried pork cutlet, and Japanese cold noodles.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/97594?channelCode=ED523B


Masih di restoran pork cutlet, Leeteuk, Shindong, dan Heechul mencicipi mie dingin Jepang. Shindong dengan lahap memakan mie itu padahal sebenarnya ia tidak menyukai makanan berbahan dasar tepung. 

Menu ketiga, yaitu pork cutlet yang dimasak dengan suhu rendah. Tapi mereka bertiga tidak terlalu terkesan setelah mencicipinya. 

Walaupun berada di lingkungan yang bising, suasana di dalam restoran justru sangat tenang. Suara bising yang ada di luar, tidak terdengar dari dalam.

Still in the pork cutlet restaurant, Leeteuk, Shindong, and Heechul tasting Japanese cold noodles. Shindong eagerly ate the noodles when in fact he did not like flour-based foods.

The third menu, namely pork cutlet cooked with low temperature. But the three of them were not too impressed after tasting it.

Even though it is in a noisy environment, the atmosphere in the restaurant is very calm. Noise outside, not heard from inside.


Tiba waktunya memberikan penilaian. Heechul mengurutkan menu favoritnya, yaitu mie dingin Jepang, tumis pork cutlet goreng, lalu pork cutlet yang dimasak dengan suhu rendah (tonkatsu).

Urutan menu favorit Shindong, yaitu tumis pork cutlet goreng, pork cutlet yang dimasak dengan suhu rendah, kemudian mie dingin Jepang. Sementara, Leeteuk memilih mie dingin Jepang, pork cutlet yang dimasak dengan suhu rendah, dan yang terakhir tumis pork cutlet goreng. Maka, menu terpilih pertama yang direkomendasikan jatuh pada mie dingin Jepang.

Shindong memberi nilai 3 bintang untuk restoran itu, sedangkan Leeteuk memberi nilai 3.5 bintang. Sekarang mereka akan pindah ke sebuah restoran okonomiyaki pilihan Leeteuk. Restoran tersebut dapat dicapai dengan 5 menit berjalan kaki. Ini akan cukup sulit karena Heechul tidak suka okonomiyaki dan Shindong tidak menyukai makanan berbahan dasar tepung.

It's time to give an assessment. Heechul sorts his favorite menus: Japanese cold noodles, stir-fried pork cutlet, then pork cutlet cooked in low temperatures (tonkatsu).

The order of Shindong's favorite menus is stir fried pork cutlet, pork cutlet cooked in low temperatures, then Japanese cold noodles. Meanwhile, Leeteuk choose Japanese cold noodles, pork cutlet cooked in low temperatures, and the last is stir-fried pork cutlet. So, the first selected menu falls on Japanese cold noodles.

Shindong gives the restaurant 3 stars, while Leeteuk gives 3.5 stars. Now, they will move to Leeteuk's chosen okonomiyaki restaurant. The restaurant can be reached in 5 minutes by walk. This will be quite difficult because Heechul doesn't like okonomiyaki and Shindong doesn't like flour based foods.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/97347?channelCode=ED523B


Trio Leeteuk, Shindong, dan Heechul meninggalkan restoran pork cutlet menuju restoran okonomiyaki. Cuaca hari itu sangat cerah dan mereka bertiga berjalan kaki dengan senang. 

Restoran pilihan Leeteuk terletak di Tokyo Building TOKIA yang berjarak 5 menit jalan kaki dari Tokyo International Forum, venue konser Super Junior D&E. Berlokasi di area yang banyak gedungnya, restoran itu selalu dipenuhi karyawan kantor di jam makan siang. 

Mengusung konsep open kitchen, koki akan memasak okonomiyaki di dapur terbuka dan menghidangkannya di teppan yaki grill di meja tamu. Leeteuk memesan 3 menu pilihannya; Mix Yaki, Gyusuji-yaki, dan menu spesial "Yaki hari ini", yaitu menu yaki yang berubah setiap harinya, mirip "Chef's menu". Restoran tersebut juga menjual Makgeolli, minuman beralkohol tradisional asal Korea. Namun, menurut Heechul rasa makgeolli-nya mirip sake.

Leeteuk, Shindong, and Heechul left the pork cutlet restaurant to the okonomiyaki restaurant. The weather is very bright and the three of them walk happily.

Leeteuk's selected restaurant is located in Tokyo Building TOKIA, a 5-minute walk from the Tokyo International Forum, the venue for the Super Junior D & E concert. Located in a area full of buildings, the restaurant is always full of office employees at lunch hour.

Carrying the open kitchen concept, the chef will cook the okonomiyaki in the open kitchen and serve it on the teppan yaki grill on the guest table. Leeteuk ordered 3 menu choices; Yaki Mix, Gyusuji-yaki, and the special "Today's Yaki" menu, which is a yaki menu that changes every day, similar to "Chef's menu". The restaurant also sells Makgeolli, a traditional alcoholic beverage from Korea. However, according to Heechul, the makgeolli taste is similar to sake.


Menu pertama yang dihidangkan adalah Mix Yaki, berbahan dasar kol dan bonito kering dengan campuran pork, gurita, udang, konjak, dan fish cake. Disusul menu kedua, Gyusuji-yaki. Yaitu, okonomiyaki dengan taburan potongan daun bawang dan telur setengah matang.

Menu ketiga pun dihidangkan, "Yaki hari ini". Heechul menemukan kimchi di dalamnya. Namun dia tidak yakin. Apa benar itu kimchi?

Trivia: Hanya Leeteuk yang suka makanan laut di antara mereka bertiga.

The first menu served is Mix Yaki, made from cabbage and dried bonito with a mixture of pork, octopus, shrimp, konjac, and fish cake. Followed by the second menu, Gyusuji-yaki. It's okonomiyaki with sliced spring onions and half-boiled eggs.

The third menu was served, "Today's Yaki". Heechul find Kimchi in it. But he's not sure. Is that really kimchi?

Trivia: Only Leeteuk who likes seafood among the three of them.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/98235?channelCode=ED523B


Ya! Benar! Yang ditemukan Heechul di menu "Yaki hari ini" benar kimchi.. Koki restoran okonomiyaki itu mengiyakan.

Saatnya penilaian..
- Urutan menu Heecul, yaitu: gyusuji-yaki, kimchi-yaki, mix yaki
- Urutan menu Shindong: gyusuji-yaki, mix yaki, kimchi-yaki
- Urutan menu Leeteuk: mix yaki, kimchi-yaki, gyusuji-yaki
Jadi, menu kedua yang akan direkomendasikan di E.L.F's Table adalah gyusuji-yaki.

Heechul dan Shindong memberikan bintang yang cukup rendah untuk pilihan Leeteuk. Tapi menurut Leeteuk tempat itu akan cocok dikunjungi pada malam hari setelah menonton konser, apalagi tersedia Makgeolli. Heechul menyetujuinya, dia mungkin akan memberikan 4.5 bintang jika mereka bersama-sama yang lainnya mengunjungi restoran itu di malam hari. Karena sudah sangat kenyang, mereka memutuskan untuk berbelanja di Lotte Duty Free.

Yes! He's right! What Heechul found on the "Yaki today" menu is really kimchi ... The okonomiyaki restaurant chef agreed.

It's time to evaluate ...
- Heechul: gyusuji-yaki, kimchi-yaki, mix yaki
- Shindong: gyusuji-yaki, mix yaki, kimchi-yaki
- Leeteuk: mix yaki, kimchi-yaki, gyusuji-yaki
So, the second menu that will be recommended on E.L.F's Table is gyusuji-yaki.

Heechul and Shindong gave a pretty low star for Leeteuk's restaurant choice. But according to Leeteuk, the place will be suitable to be visited at night after watching a concert, moreover Makgeolli is available there. Heechul agreed, he might give 4.5 stars if they were with the others visiting that restaurant at night. Because they were very full, they decide to go shopping at Lotte Duty Free.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/98263?channelCode=ED523B


Di perjalanan, Leeteuk, Shindong, dan Heechul bermain permainan berima, seperti bernyanyi rap. Yang kalah harus membelikan hadiah untuk dua pemain lainnya. Ketiganya memilih sepatu sebagai hadiah yang diinginkan. Dari 3 ronde, Leeteuk kalah telak.

On the way, Leeteuk, Shindong, and Heechul play rhyming games, like rap. The losers have to buy prizes for the other two players. All three choose shoes as the desired gift. Of the 3 rounds, Leeteuk lost heavily.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/98590?channelCode=ED523B


Kembali berjalan kaki di area Ginza, tiga anggota Super Junior yang gayanya berbeda-beda itu menuju Lotte Duty Free di Tokyu Plaza. Di sana, Heechul mencari topi. Leeteuk akan membelikannya sebagai hadiah permainan di mobil. Akhirnya Heechul memilih sebuah topi berwarna putih dengan harga setara 50000 KRW. Leeteuk dengan bercanda menyarankan Heechul untuk tidak memakai topi aneh lagi. Okay, just give it to me.., MrsBuckwheat has been craving for that Arale cap for years :D.

Tidak terasa, hari sudah malam. Saatnya melanjutkan tur makan mereka. Restoran selanjutnya, masih pilihan Leeteuk, menyajikan sushi. Shindong tidak suka sushi tapi yang lebih penting, Eunhyuk juga tidak suka sushi. Ia tidak bisa makan ikan mentah.

Back on foot in the Ginza area, the three different members of Super Junior head for Lotte Duty Free at Tokyu Plaza. There, Heechul is looking for a cap. Leeteuk will buy him the rhyming game prize. Finally Heechul choose a white cap at a price equivalent to 50000 KRW. Leeteuk jokingly advised Heechul not to wear a strange hat again. Okay, just give it to me ... Mrs. Buckwheat has been craving for Arale cap for years :D.

Time flies, it's already dark outside. It's time to continue their eating tour. The next restaurant, still Leeteuk's choice, serves sushi. Shindong doesn't like sushi but more importantly, Eunhyuk also doesn't like sushi. He can't eat raw fish.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/98593?channelCode=ED523B


Restoran sushi "J" bisa ditempuh sekitar 5 menit dengan menggunakan mobil, atau 7 menit jika berjalan kaki dari gedung konser Super Junior D&E. Sebuah restoran sushi tradisional, di mana koki veteran dengan 30 tahun pengalaman, menyediakan sushi yang dimasak langsung di depan pelanggan.

The "J" sushi restaurant can be reached in about 5 minutes by car, or 7 minutes by walk  from the Super Junior D & E concert hall. A traditional sushi restaurant, where a veteran chef with 30 years of experience, provide sushi cooked directly in front of customers.

Restoran ini mendapatkan suplai bahan-bahan segar setiap hari. Sehingga setiap hari, menunya berbeda. Sushi pertama yang disajikan adalah sushi ikan sebelah.

This restaurant gets a supply of fresh ingredients every day. So the menu is different each day. The first sushi served is the flatfish sushi.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/98596?channelCode=ED523B


Sushi kedua, sushi cumi-cumi, disarankan agar dimakan tanpa saus oleh sang koki. Selanjutnya, sushi makerel yang jadi favorit Shindong dan Heechul. Shindong berkata ia tidak pernah makan sushi seenak itu sebelumnya dan sushi itu adalah sushi terbaik yang pernah ia makan selama hidupnya. Ia bahkan memakai aplikasi translator supaya bisa mengatakannya langsung kepada sang koki. 

The second sushi, squid sushi, is recommended to be eaten without sauce by the chef. Furthermore, sushi mackerel is a favorite of Shindong and Heechul. Shindong said he had never eaten such good sushi before and it was the best sushi he had ever eaten in his life. He even uses a translator application so he can say it directly to the chef.

Setelah sushi udang, koki dan asistennya menyajikan sushi perut tuna yang juga membuat ketiga anggota Super Junior itu terkesan.

After shrimp sushi, the chef and his assistant serve tuna belly sushi which also impressed the three Super Junior members.

Trivia: Leeteuk punya julukan Wifi-goe (Wifi Goemul) alias monster Wifi karena selalu mengandalkan Wifi saar berada di luar negeri. Sayangnya, di restoran sushi itu tidak ada Wifi.

Trivia: Leeteuk has a nickname, Wifi-goe (Wifi Goemul) aka monster Wifi because he always relies on Wifi while being abroad. Unfortunately, there is no Wifi at the sushi restaurant.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/99487?channelCode=ED523B


Sushi yang paling mengejutkan semuanya, yaitu sushi daun bawang segar. Shindong dan Heechul sempat segan untuk mencobanya. Setelah Leeteuk memakan sushi miliknya, barulah mereka berdua menyantap sushi mereka. Dan reaksinya tidak lebih baik dari reaksi mereka saat pertama kali melihat sushi itu.

Untunglah, dua sushi berikutnya mampu menyenangkan mereka kembali. Sushi belut yang sangat lembut dan tidak amis, juga sushi landak laut yang menurut Shindong biasanya terlalu amis. Ternyata sushi itu sama sekali tidak amis walaupun tidak dicelupkan ke dalam saus sebelumnya.

Baru saja Heechul dan Leeteuk terheran-heran mengapa mereka masih bisa makan sushi sebanyak itu padahal sebelumnya mereka sangat kekenyangan seusai menyantap tiga okonomiyaki, staf mengumumkan menu sushi hari itu sudah selesai. Sushi landak laut adalah sushi terakhir. Mereka diperbolehkan menambah satu sushi lagi.

Hasil penilaian pastinya sudah bisa ditebak, Heechul dan Leeteuk memberi 5 bintang. Shindong, 4.5 bintang. Sekarang giliran Shindong mengajak Heechul dan Leeteuk ke restoran pilihannya. Sebagai pencinta daging, Shindong merekomendasikan sebuah tempat yang membeli daging langsung dari sumbernya setiap hari.

The most surprising sushi of all is fresh spring onion sushi. Shindong and Heechul are reluctant to try it. After Leeteuk eat his sushi, then they both eat their sushi. And the reaction is no better than their reaction when they first saw the sushi.

Fortunately, the next two sushi are able to please them again. The eel sushi is very soft and not fishy, ​​also sea urchin roe sushi which according to Shindong is usually too fishy. It turned out that the sushi was not fishy at all even though it had not been dipped in the sauce.

Heechul and Leeteuk are astonished why they could still eat that much sushi even though before they were very full after eating three okonomiyaki. Suddenly, the staff announced that the sushi menu for that day is finished. Sea urchin roe sushi turns out to be the last sushi. They are allowed to request one more sushi.

The results of the assessment are predictable, Heechul and Leeteuk give 5 stars. While Shindong gives 4.5 stars. Now it was Shindong's turn to take Heechul and Leeteuk to his recommended restaurant. As a meat lover, Shindong recommends a place that buys meat directly from the source every day.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/99488?channelCode=ED523B


Heechul sekarang sudah mengganti topi Arale-nya dengan topi barunya dari Leeteuk. Mereka bertiga berjalan menuju restoran selanjutnya. Shindong memilih menu lidah sapi dan iga sapi prime.

Restoran yang dituju terletak di dalam pusat perbelanjaan. Dibutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 15 menit berjalan kaki dari Tokyo International Forum ke restoran keempat itu. Memiliki spesialisi yakiniku, restoran berumur 43 tahun tersebut menyediakan daging sapi prime yang mereka beli langsung di Hokkaido hingga Okinawa.

Sesampainya di restoran, Shindong memesan menu pilihannya. Sepertinya di restoran itu ada jaringan Wifi karena Leeteuk dan Heechul sibuk mengatur telepon genggam mereka.

Heechul has now replaced his Arale cap with his new cap from Leeteuk. The three of them walked to the next restaurant. Shindong choose beef tongue and prime beef ribs for their next menus.

The destination restaurant is located inside the shopping center. It takes about 15 minutes on foot from the Tokyo International Forum to the fourth restaurant. Specializing in yakiniku , the 43-year-old restaurant provided prime beef that they bought directly at Hokkaido to Okinawa.

Arriving at the restaurant, Shindong orders menus of his choice. It looks like the restaurant has a Wifi network because Leeteuk and Heechul are busy setting their smartphone.

Tak satu pun dari mereka menyukai tekstur lidah sapi. Mungkin karena mereka sudah mengetahui dari bagian tubuh mana daging itu berasal. Sewaktu memanggang iga sapi, Leeteuk memberitahu Heechul dan Shindong untuk memanggang daging bolak-balik (dua sisi). Gunanya agar lemak daging yang meleleh keluar tidak terbuang dan masuk kembali ke dalam daging.

None of them like the texture of the beef tongue. Maybe because they already know which part of the body the meat came from. When grilling beef ribs, Leeteuk told Heechul and Shindong to grill meat on two sides so that the meat fat that melts out is not wasted and locked inside the meat.

Tautan: https://www.vlive.tv/video/99510?channelCode=ED523B


Menu ketiga, yaitu iga sapi berbumbu dengan bawang putih. Teksturnya berminyak. Shindong kemudian menunjukkan cara memanggang dan memakan iga sapi itu supaya rasanya tidak terlalu berminyak. Panggang iga sapi dan bawang putih. Lalu taruh bawang putih di atas daging iga, dan makan keduanya bersama-sama.

Shindong, Heechul, dan Leeteuk kompak memilih iga sapi (bukan yang berbumbu) sebagai menu terbaik di antara 3 menu yang mereka pesan. Kurang puas, Heechul hanya memberi 0.5 bintang, dan Leeteuk juga hanya memberi 1 bintang. Bagaimanapun Shindong tetap percaya diri dengan pilihannya sebab Donghae & Eunhyuk adalah pencinta daging.

Dari sana, mereka akan menuju restoran kelima pilihan Heechul.

The third menu, marinated beef ribs with garlic. It's greasy. So, Shindong then shows how to grill and eat the beef ribs so that it will be less greasy. Grill beef ribs and garlic. Then, put the garlic on top of the ribs, and eat them both together.

Shindong, Heechul, and Leeteuk choose beef ribs (not the marinated one) as the best menu among the 3 menus they ordered. Not satisfied, Heechul only gave 0.5 star, and Leeteuk also only gave 1 star. However, Shindong remains confident with his choice because Donghae & Eunhyuk are meat lovers.

From there, they will head to the fifth restaurant. A skewers's restaurant which is picked by Heechul


Nantikan episode ke-17, dua hari lagi pukul 11 siang KST. 

Look forward to the 17th episode, two more days at 11 noon KST.

P.S: Jika ada kesalahan dalam menerjemahkan, mohon koreksinya. Terima kasih :)

P.S: If there is an error in translating, please let me know. Thank you :)

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