Pengalaman Menurunkan Berat Badan dengan Oatmeal

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Photo by evening_tao / Freepik

Hm... Mrsbuckwheat sedang berpikir, sebaiknya artikel ini diberi judul apa. Kekeke... Sebenarnya gue ingin berbagi pengalaman ini sejak akhir tahun lalu tapi gue urunkan karena khawatir akan menyesatkan para pembaca. Setelah dipikir kembali, gue putuskan untuk menceritakan pengalaman gue "menurunkan" berat badan dengan beberapa peringatan dan sedetail mungkin. Jadi, para pembaca bisa melihat gambaran besarnya dan memilih sendiri apakah cara ini cukup sehat dan tepat untuk mereka.

"Kok sekarang kurus?"
"Sudah turun berapa kilogram?"
"Apa kamu sedang diet?"
"Tambah kurus kamu! Masih terus diet?"
Pertanyaan di atas sering banget terdengar dari orang-orang yang gue temui. Saking seringnya, sampai-sampai gue pernah menon-aktifkan fitur komentar di IG (Instagram).

Biasanya gue akan menjawab dengan selisih berat badan sejak sebelum operasi laparotomy untuk kehamilan ektopik gue di akhir Mei 2018, yang sampai bulan ini kira-kira 20-21 kg. Wow! Banyak ya?! Tapi kalau dihitung jumlah bulan (8 bulan) dan PROSESnya, angka sebesar itu cukup masuk akal.

Kenapa gue bisa dengan "entengnya" berkata itu masuk akal? Begini...gue memikirkan beberapa kali sebelum yakin untuk sharing tentang ini. Untuk memastikan para pembaca tidak melewati beberapa bagian, prosesnya akan gue bagi ke beberapa fase. Tolong bacalah selengkap mungkin!

Hm ... Mrsbuckwheat is thinking, what should be the title for this article. Kekeke ... Actually, I had wanted to share this experience since the end of last year, but I dropped it for fear that it would mislead the readers. After rethinking, I decided to share my experience of "losing" weight with  warnings and as much detail as possible. So, readers can see the big picture and choose for themselves whether this method is healthy enough and right for them.

"How can you become so thin?"
"How many pounds has it dropped?"
"Are you on a diet?"
"You're skinnier! Still on a diet?"
Those questions are often heard from the people I met. Too often, to the point that I once deactivated the comment feature on IG (Instagram).

Usually I will answer with the difference in weight since before the laparotomy for my ectopic pregnancy at the end of May 2018, which until this month is approximately 20-21 kg. Wow! So many, huh ?! But if you count the number of months (8 months) and the PROCESS, that number is quite reasonable.

Why can I "lightly" say that makes sense? Look... I thought several times before I was sure to share about this. To make sure the readers don't skip several parts, the process will be divided into several phases. Please read as completely as possible!


Sebelum operasi laparotomy berat gue mencapai 72-73 kg. Kehamilan gue kira-kira berusia 2-3.5 bulan, diukur dari waktu gue mulai mengalami pendarahan eksternal (seperti menstruasi) selama beberapa bulan, yang kadang dengan jeda beberapa hari. Cukup berat ya.... Waktu itu gue belum bisa menurunkan berat badan setelah sempat keguguran sebelumnya. Gue juga nggak tahu kalau sedang hamil lagi, yang ternyata kehamilan ektopik. Pantas saja berat badan cepat sekali naiknya.

Before laparotomy my weight reached 72-73 kg. My pregnancy was about 2-3.5 months old, measured from the time I started experiencing external bleeding (I thought it was my period) for 2-3 months, sometimes it stopped for a few days. I was quite heavy then... At that time I couldn't lose weight after a previous miscarriage. I also didn't know if I was pregnant again, which turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy. No wonder my body weight raised quickly.


Setelah operasi, biasanya berat badan memang akan turun. Apalagi gue ternyata kurang cocok dengan obat anti nyeri yang diberikan lewat infus dan oral. Badan gue jadi sangat lemas, nafas menjadi sesak, mual, dan sangat pusing. Dengan kondisi itu, hanya sedikit makanan yang masuk ke badan. Sampai akhirnya obat anti nyerinya diganti dengan obat anti nyeri lewat dubur, barulah gue bisa makan banyak hehehe...

Sepulangnya dari rumah sakit, gue dioleh-olehi obat anti nyeri oral lainnya, bukan yang lewat dubur lagi. Dan dimulailah kembali proses melemas, nafas sesak, mual, sangat pusing, dan ditambah heartburn. Obat pencernaan yang gue minum juga tidak mengurangi keluhan-keluhan tadi. Setelah 3 hari, gue mengadu ke obgyn dan sang obgyn akhirnya bilang kalau gue kuat menahan, obat anti nyeri tersebut tidak usah dikonsumsi lagi. Gue mengiyakan, lebih baik menahan sakit daripada terkapar lemas dan tidak bisa bangun. Apalagi V juga perlu perhatian.

Penghentian konsumsi obat anti nyeri (painkiller) tidak serta merta menghentikan keluhan pencernaan gue, yang sudah terlanjur error. Selain mengkonsumsi obat pencernaan, gue juga mengunyah lebih lama setiap suapan kira-kira 30-40 kali, minum air putih yang banyak, dan mempertahankan posisi untuk tidak berbaring selama 2 jam setelah makan, untuk mencegah heartburn. Alhasil, porsi makan gue berkurang hingga 1/2 porsi.

Sebelas hari setelah operasi, berat gue sekitar 68,5 kg.


After surgery, the body weight will usually go down. Moreover, I turned out to be less suitable with the painkiller (pain relief medication), given intravenously and orally. My body became very weak, my breath became heavy. I felt nauseous and very dizzy. With that condition, only a little food went into my body. Until finally the intravenous and oral painkillers was replaced with a rectal painkiller, then I could eat a lot hehehe ...

Upon returning from the hospital, I was given another oral painkiller, not a rectal one. It was the beginning of my body weakening, shortness of breath, nausea, very dizziness, and also heartburn. The digestive medicines that I consumed also didn't reduce the symptoms. After 3 days, I complained to the Obgyn and the Obgyn finally said that if I was strong enough to endure the pain, the painkiller would not need to be consumed again. I said yes, it was better to endure the pain than lying weak and unable to get up. Moreover, V also need attention.

Termination of painkillers consumption didn't instantly stop my digestive complaints, which had already been an error. In addition to digestive medicines, I also chewed for about 30-40 times, drank lots of water, and maintained a position not to lie down for 2 hours after eating, to prevent heartburn. As a result, my meal portion was naturally reduced to 1/2 portion.

Eleven days after surgery, my weight was around 68.5 kg.


Ironisnya saat orang-orang sedang khusuk berpuasa, gue pun khusuk makan dengan teratur selama bulan Ramadhan. Protein terutama telur rebus selalu ada di menu harian gue. Bahkan saat Lebaran gue makan dengan lahap meskipun harus dikunyah yang lama hehehe...

Gue tidak menimbang berat gue selama fase ini.


Ironically, when people were busy fasting, I regularly ate well during the month of Ramadan. Protein,  especially boiled eggs were always in my daily menu. Even during Eid I ate ravenously even though it had to be chewed for a long time hehehe ...

I didn't weigh my weight during this phase.


Beberapa minggu setelah lebaran, badan gue terasa jauh lebih nyaman. Mungkin sudah waktunya melakukan kewajiban gue, pikir gue saat itu. Kewajiban itu adalah membayar utang puasa selama 4 kali Ramadhan. Jika dibulatkan, totalnya 120 hari. 

Gue melahirkan V di awal Ramadhan, 8 tahun yang lalu. Selama menyusui gue juga tidak bisa berpuasa karena air susunya tidak bisa keluar saat gue kurang makan dan minum. Ditambah lagi dengan tidak dapat berpuasa setelah operasi laparotomy. Gue sempat berusaha mengganti bersamaan dengan puasa Daud (sebelum kehamilan kedua) namun tetap tidak terkejar. Paling banyak hanya 8 hari per bulan.

Sebelum diagnosa kehamilan ektopik tegak, bahkan sebelum gue tahu menstruasi panjang itu sebenarnya berbahaya, gue sering bermimpi yang aneh, ada mimpi yang sangat menakutkan dan menyedihkan. Mimpi-mimpi tadi gue tepiskan dan gue anggap bunga tidur belaka sampai akhirnya gue dihadapkan dengan ketidakpastian antara kehamilan ektopik, mola hidatidosa (kehamilan anggur), kista, endometrium, dan miom. Perut dan badan gue semakin sakit, sedangkan antrian USG 4D masih lama, sekitar 3 minggu. Bahkan, satu di antara 4 obgyn yang gue temui menawarkan untuk membuka dulu perut gue dengan laparascopy untuk mempercepat penegakan diagnosa, yang gue tolak.

Di sela-sela rasa sakit itu gue banyak berdoa, tepatnya meminta kesempatan lagi. Gue berjanji, salah satunya gue akan membayar utang-utang puasa gue secepat mungkin. Gue memohon semoga gue secepatnya bertemu obgyn yang yakin dan tepat diagnosanya, dan semuanya lancar, dan gue sehat normal kembali. Karena kehamilan ektopik butuh penanganan lebih cepat sebelum terjadi pendarahan internal. Sementara gue lebih sering sendirian sampai siang dan setelahnya hanya berdua dengan V sampai malam. Gue khawatir dengan syok yang bisa membuat V trauma.

Singkat cerita, waktu untuk melakukan kewajiban akhirnya tiba.


A few weeks after Eid, my body felt much more comfortable. Maybe it is the time to do my duty, I thought then. The obligation was to pay fasting for 4 times of Ramadan. If rounded up, the total was 120 days.

I gave birth to V at the beginning of Ramadan 8 years ago. During breastfeeding I also could not fast because the breast milk could not come out when I ate and drank less. Then, added with being unable to fast after laparotomy surgery. I had tried to replace it simultaneously with the fasting of Daud (before the previous pregnancy) but still couldn't succeed. At most, I got only 8 days per month.

Before the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy was confirmed, even before I knew that my long periods were actually dangerous, I often dream strange thing, there were dreams that were very scary and sad. I abandoned those dreams until finally I was faced with uncertainty between ectopic pregnancy, molar pregnancy, cyst, endometrium, and myoma. My stomach and body pain were getting severe, while the 4D ultrasound queue was still long, about 3 weeks. In fact, one of four obgyns that I met offered to open my stomach with laparascopy to ensure the diagnosis which I rejected.

Between the pain I prayed a lot, precisely asking for another chance. I also promised, I would pay my fasting debts as soon as possible. I begged that I could quickly meet the Obgyn who could give a precise diagnosis, and everything would be smooth, and I would be healthy again because an ectopic pregnancy needs treatment faster before internal bleeding occurs. While I was often at home alone until noon and afterwards only with V until evening, I was worried about the shock that could traumatize him.

In short, the time to fulfill my promise had came.


Nah, inti pengaturan makan yang sebenarnya ada di fase ini. Fase-fase sebelumnya untuk menerangkan seberapa butuhnya gue untuk melakukan puasa dan pengaturan makan yang tetap gue lakukan walaupun sedang tidak berpuasa.

Gue melakukan puasa untuk membayar utang puasa Ramadhan selama 6 hari dalam seminggu, Senin sampai Sabtu. Sekitar bulan Oktober gue menurunkan jumlahnya menjadi 5 hari dalam seminggu.


Well, the key of my eating arrangement is actually in this phase. Previous phases just to explain how much I need to do fasting and eating arrangement that I still do even if I am not fasting.

I do fasting to pay the Ramadan fasting for 6 days a week, Monday to Saturday. Since around October I reduce the amount to 5 days a week.

  1. Biasanya gue akan melemas saat puasa dan mengingat gue masih dalam masa pemulihan setelah operasi, strategi diet (pengaturan makan) diperlukan di sini. 
  2. Dulu, salah satu teman gue pernah bercerita bahwa anaknya yang masih kecil kuat berpuasa karena sahur dengan oatmeal.
  3. Gue suka banget minuman manis, seperti: susu coklat, susu pisang, es teh manis, thai tea, teh susu, soft drink, kopi susu, pokoknya yang manis dan dingin. Padahal minuman-minuman ini membuat gue cepat haus.
  4. Gue jarang minum air putih kalau tidak terpaksa.
  5. Gue suka mie instan, terutama ramen instan porsi besar yang pedas.
  6. Gue mengerti lemahnya iman diri gue saat membayar utang puasa bersamaan Ramadhan dengan puasa sunnah. Apalagi jika ada undangan dan ajakan makan bersama, dan mendengar bujuk rayu teman-teman.
  1. Usually I will be weaker when fasting. Because I am still recovering after surgery, dietary strategies (eating arrangements) are needed here.
  2. In the past, one of my friends once told me that her young child was strong enough to fast because of sahur with oatmeal.
  3. I really like sweet drinks, like: chocolate milk, banana milk, sweet ice tea, thai tea, milk tea, soft drinks, milk coffee, all beverages (no alcohol) which are sweet and cold. Even though these drinks make me thirsty faster.
  4. I rarely drink water if I don't really have to.
  5. I like instant noodles, especially large portions of spicy instant ramen.
  6. I understand the weakness of my faith when paying Ramadan fasting along with sunnah fasting. Especially if there is an invitation to eat together, and hear my friends' persuasion.

  1. Sahur = plain oatmeal dan makanan pendamping dengan piring dan dimakan terpisah, air putih minimal 2 gelas, kurma Medjool 1 butir untuk mengganti kebutuhan gula gue.
  2. Buka puasa = plain oatmeal dan makanan pendamping tetap terpisah, satu snack, air putih yang banyak, kurma Medjool 1 butir.
  3. Makan "biasa" di hari Minggu dan juga Sabtu (ketika hanya 5 hari/ minggu). Nasi, mie (bukan instan), pasta, lontong, bisa gue makan dengan porsi normal bukan porsi kalap ya hehehe....
  4. Lama kelamaan gue menambahkan plain yoghurt atau yakult di menu sahur dan buka puasa.
  5. Makanan pendamping bukan kentang, ubi, mie, pasta, nasi, cake, dan roti ya.
  6. Beberapa bulan terakhir gue sering memasukkan buah terutama buah naga di menu buka puasa
  7. Beberapa bulan terakhir gue sering memasukkan agar-agar rendah gula setiap sahur dan buka puasa.
  8. Yang paling terakhir gue makan = plain oatmeal. Gue memuaskan indra perasa gue lebih dulu. Terakhir baru mengenyangkan perut.
  9. Hanya minum = air putih yang banyak, Yakult, plain yoghurt, kadang ocha/ teh tawar.
  10. Tidak makan lagi di atas jam 7 malam.
  1. Sahur = plain oatmeal and complementary foods on different plates and eaten separately, at least 2 glasses of water, 1 piece of Medjool dates to replace my sugar needs.
  2. Breakfasting = plain oatmeal and complementary foods on different plates and eaten separately, one/two snack, lots of water, 1 piece of Medjool dates.
  3. "Regular" meals on Sundays (and Saturday). Rice, noodles (not instant), pasta, rice cake,  I can eat normal portions instead of "hungry" portions.
  4. Over time I add plain yogurt or yakult on the menu of sahur and breakfasting.
  5. Complementary foods are not potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, pasta, rice, cake, and bread.
  6. The last few months I often include fruits, especially dragon fruit on the breakfasting menu
  7. The last few months I often put low-sugar agar every sahur and breakfasting
  8. The last one I eat = plain oatmeal. I satisfy my sense of taste first.
  9. Only drink = lots of water, Yakult, plain yogurt, sometimes plain ocha / tea.
  10. Don't eat after 7pm.

Ada masa di mana gue butuh istirahat dan tidak puasa, seperti saat menstruasi atau saat kurang fit karena kebanyakan begadang (bisa tidak puasa sampai beberapa minggu).

  1. Makan pagi = plain oatmeal, dan makanan pendamping dengan piring dan dimakan terpisah, air putih yang banyak, agar-agar rendah gula, plain yoghurt/ yakult.
  2. Makan siang = idem
  3. Makan malam = idem
  4. Gue lebih sering makan buah di malam hari, terutama buah naga. Entah kenapa buah ini sangat mengenyangkan kalau dimakan buat makan malam. 
  5. Tidak mengemil/ snacking di antara waktu makan.
  6. Makanan pendamping bukan kentang, ubi, mie, pasta, nasi, cake, dan roti ya.
  7. Tidak makan lagi di atas jam 7 malam.
  8. Kalau ingin cheat makan, makanan lain seperti mie bakso hehehe, lebih baik dilakukan di makan siang.
  9. Hanya minum = air putih yang banyak, Yakult (terbatas), plain yoghurt, kadang ocha/ teh tawar.
  10. Makan "biasa" di hari Sabtu dan Minggu. Nasi, mie (bukan instan), pasta, lontong, bisa gue makan dengan porsi normal bukan porsi kalap ya hehehe....
  11. Yang paling terakhir gue makan = plain oatmeal. Gue memuaskan indra perasa gue lebih dulu. Terakhir baru mengenyangkan perut.
There were times when I needed to rest and not fasting, such as during period or when I was not fit because of staying up late too often.


  1. Breakfast = plain oatmeal, and complementary foods with dishes and eaten separately, plenty of water, low sugar agar, plain yoghurt / yakult.
  2. Lunch = ditto
  3. Dinner = ditto
  4. I eat fruit more often at night, especially dragon fruit. Somehow this fruit is very filling when eaten for dinner.
  5. No snacking / snacking between meals.
  6. Complementary foods are not potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, pasta, rice, cake, and bread.
  7. Don't eat after 7pm.
  8. If you want to cheat, eating other foods like meatball noodles hehehe, it's better done at lunch.
  9. Only drink = lots of water, Yakult (limited), plain yogurt, sometimes plain ocha / tea.
  10. "Regular" meals on Saturdays and Sundays. Rice, noodles (not instant), pasta, rice cake, I can eat them in normal portions.
  11. The last one I eat = plain oatmeal. I satisfy my sense of taste first.


Inti pengaturan makan ini sebenarnya hanya:
  • Mengganti karbohidrat utama dengan plain oatmeal.
  • Mengganti minuman manis dengan air putih yang banyak, dan minuman yang tidak manis seperti yakult (terbatas), plain yoghurt, ocha tawar, dsb.
  • Mengurangi ngemil/ snacking, bahkan kalau kuat, tidak sama sekali.
  • Tidak makan setelah jam 7 malam.
  • Memberi kenyamanan makan "enak" yang bertanggung jawab di waktu weekend.
  • Makanlah tepat waktu
  • Berkonsultasilah dengan doktermu.


The essences of this eating arrangement are actually only:
  • Replace primary carbohydrates with plain oatmeal.
  • Swap sweet beverages with lots of water, and drinks that are not sweet and fatty such as yakult (limited), plain yogurt, plain ocha, etc.
  • Reduce snacking, or not snacking at all.
  • Don't eat after 7pm.
  • Comfort yourself with "delicious" meals (not excessively) on weekends.
  • Eat regularly, don't be late.
  • Consult with your doctor.

  1. Cocok buat gue, belum tentu cocok untuk orang lain (Gue sudah berkonsultasi dengan dokter gue).
  2. Jika ingin mencoba, lakukan HANYA POLA MAKAN SAAT TIDAK PUASA. 
  3. Gue berpuasa karena memang punya kewajiban.
  4. Hentikan pola makan ini jika badan terasa lemas dan/atau pusing. Your body is your best alarm!
  5. Pilihlah makanan pendamping yang rendah lemak tapi bergizi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan serat, vitamin, dan protein.
  6. Tidak berbaring setidaknya selama satu jam setelah makan.
  7. Ini bukan instan, berat yang bisa diturunkan maksimal 1 kg/ minggu tanpa cheating.
  8. Gue tidak melakukan olahraga berat/ intens.
  9. Hindari tidur larut malam/ begadang.
  10. Karena senang berat badan berkurang, untuk menambah semangat gue memasang target berat badan idaman yang masih ideal menurut BMI.
Apakah gue sangat disiplin? Hehehe... setelah berhasil puasa dua bulan gue mulai bandel. Pernah pola makan sampai berantakan gara-gara mengejar deadline kompetisi, begadang, dan dua hari tidur jam 6 pagi. Waktu itu gue makan apapun yang ada di dekat meja laptop untuk menghemat waktu dan supaya tidak ngantuk. Sampai akhirnya gue sakit dan tidak sanggup puasa cukup lama.

Sampai saat ini utang puasa gue masih 49 hari *pingsan*. Tolong doakan dan berikan semangat supaya gue selesai membayarnya sebelum Ramadhan tahun ini dengan sehat wal'afiat dan gemilang :).


  1. Suitable for me, not necessarily suitable for others (I have consulted with my doctor).
  3. I fast because I have an obligation.
  4. Stop this eating pattern if your body feels weak and / or dizzy. Your body is your best alarm!
  5. Choose low-fat but nutritious complementary foods to meet fiber, vitamin, and protein needs.
  6. Do not lie down for at least one hour after eating.
  7. This is not instant, the weight can be reduced to a maximum of 1 kg / week without cheating.
  8. I don't do heavy / intense exercise. 
  9. Avoid sleeping late / staying up late.
  10. Because I am happy that my weight is dropping, to increase my enthusiasm I set my target weight which is still ideal according to BMI.
Was I always disciplined? Hehehe ... after successfully fasting for two months I started to be undisciplined. My eating pattern became messy because of a competition deadlines, staying up late, and two days sleeping at 6 in the morning. At that time I ate whatever was near the laptop desk to save time and to not be sleepy. Until finally I got sick and couldn't fast for weeks.

Until now my fasting debt is still 49 days *speechless*. Kindly pray and encourage me so that I will finish paying before this year's Ramadan in a healthy way and brilliant result :).


Sekarang gue masih 3 kg di atas target berat badan. Kebanyakan orang-orang di sekitar gue mengkritik betapa kurus dan ratanya badan gue. Tapi teman-teman dekat gue yang sudah kenal dari sekolah/jaman kuliah sudah mengerti kalau ke-curvy-an yang kemarin itu hanyalah ilusi alias lemak semata hahaha.... Dulu di kampus gue sudah biasa diledek "Buckwheat! Dimana kamu meninggalkan bokongmu?" atau mendengar cowok-cowok bergunjing, "Kamu lihat cewek itu? Rata sekali seperti papan". Nah yang paling lucu, beberapa bulan yang lalu saat gue baru sampai ke acara di rumah teman. Tiba-tiba gue dipanggil dan terjadi percakapan yang aneh ini:
"Buckwheat! "
"Ssstt... Sorry, Si mbak X tanya kamu pakai underwear bagian atas (sorry!) nggak sih?"
"Hah? Pakai lah... Memangnya kenapa?"
"Kamu kelihatannya rata sekali. Memang ada ukurannya yang cocok?"
*pingsan* Perlukah gue menjawab kalau ada "teknologi" yang namanya freesize 'n wireless b**?

Ya, saat berat badan turun (dan masih ideal) bentuk tubuh kita akan kembali seperti sedia kala. Jadi, jangan kaget dan jangan khawatir, kalau kamu memang sudah memiliki bentuk tubuh yang curvy secara natural walaupun berat badanmu turun (dengan sehat), aset-aset itu mestinya tidak berubah hehehe.... Tapi kalau kamu mempunyai bentuk badan yang lurus dan tidak ingin mendapat komentar-komentar lucu seperti gue, sebaiknya hanya menurunkan sebatas yang kamu butuhkan.


Now I'm still 3 kg above the target weight. Most people around me criticize how thin and flat my body is. But my close friends who have known me from school / college have understood that yesterday's curve was just an illusion of mere fat, hahaha ... I used to be teased on the campus "Buckwheat! Where did you leave your butt? " or heard boys gossiping, "Did you see that girl? Just like a board." And, the most hillarious, a few months ago when I just arrived at a friend's house. Suddenly I was called and this strange conversation occurred:
"Shhh ... Sorry, X asked me, do you wear the upper underwear (sorry!)? Or not?"
"Huh? Of course! Why??"
"But you look so flat. Do you have the right size?"
*laughing* Should I answer if there is a 'technology' called free-size 'n wireless br*?

Yes, when your weight drops (in a healthy way) your body shape will return to its regular shape. So, don't be surprised and don't worry, if you do have a natural curvy body shape even though you lose weight (in a healthy way), those assets would not change hehehe .... But if you have a straight body shape and don't want to get funny comments (like me), you should just lower it as much as you need.

To be sure, your body is your best alarm! Consult with your doctor if necessary.

ps: I'll fix the translation soon.

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