V LIVE Review: ITEM's Teasers
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Baru saja ditayangkan di MBC pada 11 Februari lalu, drama Korea berjudul Item (아이템) yang mengusung genre misteri dan fantasi ini bikin MrsBuckwheat lumayan penasaran. Pengen nonton tapi kok takut. Pengalaman nggak sengaja nonton Gap Dong di TV, rintihan korbannya lama terngiang di telinga padahal sudah sambil merem. The Village: Achiara's Secret juga nggak ditonton sampai selesai. Boro-boro yang dua tadi, Memories of Alhambra saja sempat membuat MrsBuckwheat jongkok di atas kursi dan nonton sambil menghadap ke belakang (nontonnya pakai telepati).
Tapi apalah daya MrsBuckwheat. Setiap mendengar kata "fantasi", gue susah untuk nggak mencoba nonton. Maka, larilah gue ke V Live kanal VDRAMA. Di kanal ini banyak konten tentang drama dari berbagai stasiun TV Korea Selatan. Salah satunya, Item.
Just aired on MBC on February 11th, a Korean drama entitled Item (아이템) that carries the genre of mystery fantasy makes Mrs.Buckwheat quite curious. Want to watch it but too scared. After accidentally watching Gap Dong on TV, the groaning of the victim was ringing in the ears even though I already closed my eyes. I also didn't finish watching The Village: Achiara's Secret yet. Even Memories of Alhambra, had made me squat on a chair and watched it while facing back (watching it using telepathy, LOL).
But, Mrs. Buckwheat is helpless. Every time I hear the word "fantasy", I find it hard not to try watching. So, I run to the V Live application and search it on VDRAMA channel. On this channel, there is a lot of contents about dramas from various South Korean TV stations. One of them is Item.
Merupakan adaptasi webtoon berjudul sama karya Kim Ju-seong dan Min Hyung, Item berkisah tentang seorang jaksa bernama Kang Gon (Ju Ji-hoon) yang saat berusaha mati-matian menyelamatkan keponakannya, terlibat ke dalam kasus benda-benda dengan kekuatan magis. Sementara itu, Shin So-young (Jin Se-yeon) adalah seorang profiler handal dan selalu tenang bahkan di tempat kejadian perkara yang mengerikan sekalipun. Mereka bekerja sama mengurai konspirasi dibalik benda-benda tersebut.
An adaptation of a webtoon with the same title by Kim Ju-seong and Min Hyung, Item tells the story of a prosecutor named Kang Gon (Ju Ji-hoon), who trying desperately to save his niece, is involved in the case of magical items. Meanwhile, Shin So-young (Jin Se-yeon) is a reliable profiler and always calm even at the worst crime scene. They work together to unravel the conspiracy behind those objects.
Antagonis kali ini diperankan oleh Kim Kang-woo. Mengoleksi berbagai benda supranatural, Jo Se-hwang si antagonis, menyalahgunakan kekuatan dan kekayaannya. Ia akan menyingkirkan siapapun yang mencoba menghalanginya. Huhuhu... Sadis ya!
This time the antagonist is played by Kim Kang-woo. Collecting various supernatural items, Jo Se-hwang the antagonist, abusing his power and wealth. He will get rid of anyone who tries to interfere him. Sigh... Sadistic huh!
Teaser pertama Item dirilis akhir tahun 2018 lalu. Dan tiga teaser lainnya dikeluarkan mulai tengah Januari 2019. Keempat teaser Item tersebut bernuansa dark dan sedikit seram. Ada dua adegan yang "mengganggu" di teaser terakhir dan teaser karakter Jin Se-yeon. Nontonnya jangan terlalu dekat ya!
Item's first teaser was released on late 2018. And three other teasers are released starting in the middle of January 2019. The four teaser items are dark and slightly spooky. There are two disturbing scenes on the last teaser and Jin Se-yeon's character teaser. Don't be too close to the monitor!
Mimik wajah Ju Ji-hoon terlihat sangat intens di teaser Item ini. Takjub juga melihat transformasi akting Ju Ji-hoon sejak Princess Hours hingga sekarang, terutama karakter galaunya di drama Mask dan gaya slengekannya film Along With The Gods. Jadi, gue sangat sangat mempertimbangkan untuk mengikuti drama ini terlepas dari kemungkinan banyaknya adegan yang mengganggu. Hm...bisa pakai kacamata hitam.
Ju Ji-hoon's facial expressions look very intense on this Item teaser. Amazingly Ju Ji-hoon's acting has transformed well and maturer since Princess Hours. My favorites are his unstable character in Mask and his Haewonmak in Along With The Gods. So, I'm deliberating to follow this drama despite of the possibility of many disturbing scenes. Hmm... I can use sunglasses.
Berperan sebagai Shin So-young yang bertekad menangkap si pelaku bagaimanapun caranya, Jin Se-yeon menunjukkan tatapan khasnya yang kali ini cukup beragam. Gue senang karena ekpresi dan auranya cocok dengan genre film ini. Bahkan ia terlihat lebih muda daripada di Doctor Stranger.
Acting as Shin So-young who is determined to catch the culprit no matter how, Jin Se-yeon shows her typical gaze which this time is quite diverse. I'm happy because her expression and aura match the genre of this film. She even looks younger than in Doctor Stranger.
Last but not least, Kim Kang-woo alias Jo Se-hwang yang menganggap dirinya Tuhan. Gue belum pernah melihat Kim Kang-woo sebagai pemeran antagonis karena gue baru menonton satufilm dan satu dramanya, yaitu The Beauty and The Beast dan Circle. Tetapi seringainya sangat meyakinkan.
Finally, Kim Kang-woo aka Jo Se-hwang who considers himself God. I have never seen Kim Kang-woo as an antagonist before because I only watched two of his works, namely The Beauty and The Beast, and Circle. But, as you see, the smirk is very convincing.
Nah, tunggu apalagi, makin penasaran kan? Coba deh tonton teaser selengkapnya di V Live. MrsBuckwheat kasih linknya ya! :p
Well, what are you waiting for? Try watching the full teaser on V Live. Here are the links! : p
Jin Se-yeon's Character Teaser
Kim Kang-woo's Character Teaser
Item's latest teaser
P.S: If there is an error in translating, please let me know. Thank you :)